NCGW Things to do

Pot Stack Planters

Great for growing herbs or trailing plants!

Here’s what you’ll need!

Shopping list for your local garden centre:

4 different sizes of pots e.g. 38cm, 30cm, 26cm and 18cm. Or three pots can be 38cm, 30cm and 20cm.

Bamboo stick (optional – if you want it to be tipsy)


An area with good sunlight and flat ground for your planter

Tipsy pot stack planter instructions:

  1. Fill your largest pot with soil (pot 1) and place the bamboo stick through the middle. Firm the soil down so that the bamboo stick is stable.
  2. Fill the rest of your pots with soil.
  3. Place pot 2 on top of pot 1, pushing the bamboo stick through the middle of the pot and lean the pot to the side.
  4. Place pot 3 on top of pot 2, learning it to the opposite side.
  5. Continue this process with all the pots.
  6. Once all the pots have been stacked and feel secured, you can plant your plants!

Straight pot stack planter instructions:

  • Fill your largest pot (1) with soil and firm down.
  • Place pot 2 on top of the soil in pot 1 and nestle it into the compost by a couple of cm to keep to stable.
  • Fill pot 2 with compost and firm.
  • Place pot 3 on top of pot 2 and nestle it into the soil.
  • Complete this process with all the pots.
  • You now have 3 or 4 pots to plant in. Plant your plants, herbs or vegetables and water well
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